Easy Ways to Add Video to Your Feed

If you’re active on social media, you probably know that Instagram made some shocking announcements recently: head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said that Instagram will no longer be a photo-sharing platform. 

And all of the hairstylists around the world collectively gasped! I’m betting more than a few of us cried!

To keep up with TikTok, Instagram is putting more and more focus on creators, video, shopping, and messaging. But what does this mean for people like you and me who use Instagram to advertise our services and grow our businesses? It means we have to learn everything we can about video, Reels, TikTok, and more!

Luckily, it can be fairly easy for hairstylists like us to add more video content into our feeds. Here are a few easy ways to keep up with this new trend!

Start Small

We all know that as hairstylists, we have to be our own marketing team. Hopefully, you already make time to photograph your beautiful hair transformations. Now I want you to take some of that time to record short VIDEOS of your work. 

Here are a few easy video ideas would look great in your feed or on your stories:

  • Pan across your hair transformation or spin your client (slowly! Haha) in the chair

  • Have your assistant film a brush out of curls for you

  • Set up a tripod to record a time lapse of an epic foil job

  • Use a tripod or an assistant to film your client’s reaction to their new hair.

Remember to get your client’s permission and talk them through the things you want to record. Nine times out of ten, they’ll be happy to be the star of your next video, and they understand why you need to show your work to get MORE!

Video can seem intimidating at first, so don’t be afraid to start with short, simple videos. You can learn all the crazy TikTok transitions later! 

Learn the Ropes

Speaking of TikTok, this is how I get my start in creating videos. If you don’t have a TikTok account, you need start yours today, and spend some time watching videos. Just be careful — it will suck you right in!

TikTok makes it super easy to create videos. All you have to do is upload your photos and videos, choose your sound or song, and TikTok will auto-sync your photos and videos to the sound or song. From there, you can add text, captions, and even VoiceOver commentary. 

It sounds like a lot, but the important thing is to set aside some time to EXPERIMENT! When it comes to video on social media, you have to learn as you go, and learn by doing! Just remember, it’s better to do something less than perfectly than to not try at all!

Follow @JessicaMarieHairCo on TikTok!

Find the Editing App for You

Here’s the kicker, folks! Instagram doesn’t like when you upload a watermarked TikTok video to Reels. They tend to “hide” these with their algorithm because they want you using THEIR app. Now, I’ve been doing this anyway because I figure it’s better to try than to not try at all, right? But now that I’ll getting a little better at recording and editing video, here are some of the apps I’ve been experimenting with! 

  • InShot

  • Splice — This app does cost money, but it’s probably the best one for editing!

  • KineMaster

  • VOCHI — This one specializes in neat effects!

All of the apps specialize in different things, so experiment with them all to see what YOU like best! 

At the end of the day, just try to have fun with this new medium! It’s ok to experiment and make some ugly videos at first. The more you try and practice, the better your videos will be and the more engagement you’ll get on social media!

Let me know if this was helpful for you! You can always DM me at @jessicamariehairco to ask questions or show me your latest video creation!