Do You Think You Know Jessie?


I have had so much fun launching the new Jessica Marie Hair Co. brand this month! You all have made me feel SO loved! It can be a little scary to put your heart and soul into a brand and then put it out there for the world to see, but you all made it perfect! 

Since I’ve shared my journey to becoming a hand-tied extensions artist, I thought we’d get a little more personal today. I’m going to tell you all a few things that you probably don’t know about me! Are you ready??

  • I once had a bunny named Feather. Because that’s a great name for a bunny, right?

  • I played Division II softball at Western Oregon University! Before that, I played for two years at Otero Junior College and was an All-American.

  • Speaking of Western Oregon University, that’s where I got my Bachelor's in Business Management with a minor in Entrepreneurship! It definitely comes in handy now that I own my own business!

  • I’m not proud of this but . . . I used to have a crush on Ronald McDonald. You can laugh! It’s ridiculous!

  • I love tequila. My favorite drink is tequila, soda water, and a lot of lime juice! My go-to brand of tequila is Casamigos. You have to try it!

  • My friends have nicknamed me Messy Jessie because I always, always spill! It’s why you’ll rarely see me wearing white!

  • My favorite number is 13 just like Taylor Swift! I’m certain we would be best friends if we met.

  • I’m a Sagittarius through and through! I have to have my freedom, and I’m eternally optimistic!

So, now that I’ve told you some little-known and slightly embarrassing things about me, I want to know some things about YOU! Tell me something fun in the comments!
