2021: A Recap
’Tis the season for looking back and moving forward! As we get ready to celebrate the new year, I like to look back on all of the fun memories and accomplishments and plan for how I’m going to make 2022 my best year yet!
Earlier this month, I wrote all about one of my favorite moments of 2021: unveiling HERA Hair Fragrance at the Xo Britt event in Miami! There are still a few little pieces to finalize on the packaging and shipping, then we’ll be FINISHED! I’ll officially have a living room full of stunning hair fragrance to ship to all of you who have been SO excited to place your first order! Now, if anyone wants to volunteer for mailing duty when the time comes . . . haha
I actually experienced Miami for the first time back in April for fun, so heading there again for business in November was such a cool opportunity. Plus, it was easily the most fun business trip I’ve ever taken!
One of the best parts of 2021 was finding a new church that I absolutely love! It’s called Red Rocks Church, and I truly feel my best when I get to attend a service. My sister and I go together any Sunday that we have the chance to!
I also became a GODMOTHER this year! One of my lifelong friends, Cassie, asked me to be Godmother to little miss Oaklee Jane, and I have to say . . . it was one of the biggest honors of my life.
Here are a few other fun things that happened in the world of Jessie this year:
I went to the Rockies opening day! Baseball is my absolute favorite sport to watch, so this was one of my FAVORITE days!
A couple of my besties from Oregon visited with their little girl Hunter, and it was the highlight of my summer.
I bought a new car! I was so shy about posting this on social, but I couldn’t help it — I was so proud! And the messages of support and encouragement I got?! It was mind-blowing. I’m so grateful to have such supportive friends out there!
I went to Idaho with my friend’s family for a week, and we basically lived on the lake the whole time!
Sometimes I forget that I actually went SKYDIVING! 10/10 recommend!
We took a super fun family trip to Salida.
I KIND OF learned to golf?
I attended a couple of friends’ weddings and danced my booty off at all of them!
Finally, I had a blast learning how to make TikToks and Reels, but it’s a CONSTANT learning process!

The TikTok and Reels might be part of the reason I was named one of the Faces of Sola in 2021! I know, I know — I’ve already told you guys so much about this! But with thousands of Sola stylists here in the States, it’s an immense honor that will always mean so, so much to me! The recognition Plus, the friendships I made at the Sola Sessions in Denver are priceless. I can’t say enough good things about this program!
This past year, I’ve also been more booked solid with hair extensions clients than ever before! It’s been crazy, but it’s made me look at my business in a new light. How can I scale? How can I grow even though I’m only one person?! These are some of the big questions I’ve been wrestling with as we enter 2022.
As always, my goal is to be the best version of myself as a person and as a stylist. If I can inspire some of you (and make you laugh!) along your journey, then I’ve done everything I’ve ever wanted in life!
Happy New Year to you all and cheers to another great year!!